I posted about converting AutoCAD drawing unit from one unit to other unit. The method I use in that post was to create a new drawing, then insert your old drawing to that new drawing. Your drawing will adjusted and use the new settings.
There is another method that you can use: using command line.
The reason why I didn’t mention about it before is because it’s not documented. Some novice and occasional users probably not familiar with all the options.
However, converting the unit using command line is a popular method, so I thought I should share this with you.
Converting DWG units
The command to convert the unit is –DWGUNITS. Notice the – prefix. You have to include it or AutoCAD will not recognize the command.
Now all you have to do is to set the new setups. Below is the questions sequence:
Command: -DWGUNITS
Drawing units:
1. Inches
2. Feet
3. Millimeters
4. Centimeters
5. Decimeters
6. Meters
Unit for length <3>: 1Drawing unit display formats:
1. Scientific
2. Decimal
3. Engineering
4. Architectural
5. Fractional
Linear display format <4>:Architectural linear display precision formats:
0. 1″
1. 1/2″
2. 1/4″
3. 1/8″
4. 1/16″
5. 1/32″
6. 1/64″
7. 1/128″
8. 1/256″
Linear display precision <4>:Scale objects from other drawings upon insert? [Yes/No] <Yes>:
Match INSUNITS to drawing units? [Yes/No] <Yes>:
** WARNING: you have changed the unit for this drawing database. **
** All new objects will be drawn according to the new unit, but **
** existing objects will not change size unless you specifically **
** ask to have automatic scaling occur. **Scale objects in current drawing to reflect change in units? [Yes/No] <Yes>:
Include objects in Paper Space? [Yes/No] <Yes>:
Scaling the entire database…
Scaling AecDbObject(s)…
Scaling entities in Model Space…
Scaling entities in Paper Space…
Scaling entities in Paper Space…
So which one do you think is better? I prefer inserting the drawing, but you may find this is more convenient way for you.
i had followed your instruction but again i facing same problem about dwgunits. when i save in meter then again opening autocad comes inches. i have really disgusting about this issue(dwgunits). how can i solve this problem? could you solve me?i hope you will understand.
best regards
i selected option 4.
after converting from mm to inch, the dimension is in inch but, the dimension style is in decimal.
why is it not in architecture