Computer monitors are getting bigger and their resolution are very high. This will make AutoCAD icons and labels looks very small. If you are familiar with Windows display settings, you probably tried to make the texts look larger using this method: Change text size on AutoCAD interface.
The bad news is AutoCAD doesn’t work well with high resolution monitor. Monitor with resolution higher than 2000 and changing text size will give display issue. This is an example what might happen: AutoCAD text overlapped in some palettes.
This is the solution Autodesk offers in knowledge base: Adjust the font size back to 100% or disable DPI scaling.
In AutoCAD 2016, there is a bug displaying Start tab and Help windows. They might not displayed correctly on Windows 8.1.
Image from: Up and Ready blog.
Autodesk has released a hotfix that you can download here: Start tab and Help windows don’t display correctly in AutoCAD 2016.
Which is the best laptop or system requirments for the smooth functioning of autodesk revit and 3ds max?
Is there any problem that revit dont work in 3k or above resolution?
You can find recommended hardware on Autodesk website here:
And this is the issue when you work with high-resolution display with Revit: User Interface does not display correctly on high-resolution monitors
My Autocad 2015 has an issue where I can’t see. For example, I have the properties window open and everything is black. If I select on a piece of text for instance, and then say I wanted to change the justification via the properties, I click on the down arrow to choose the justification and I can’t see my options. It’s like the background is black and the font in the properties is also black. Any ideas?
I think this is a graphic card issue. Have you tried to update the graphic card or disable the hardware acceleration?
I m just about to install Auto Desk 2016 Premium Suite (windows) on a Mac Book Pro 9.2 (2.5 + 8 g ram) running on Boot camp Windows 7 64bit OS have you heard of any issues using this configuration
Many thanks in advance..
Hi John,
I’m not familiar with Mac. Maybe this can help?
Hi John,
I am running autocad 2017 on my macbook pro mid 2014 on bootcamp with windows 10, smooth as butter and i never had any issues as of yet. I don’t know but i think it has to do with the SSD for faster read and write.
I have a problem with Autocad 2016. I tried to install several common tools bar ( OSNAP for example) using CUI command, but I can’t install it after several intents. Could you help me, please?