Do you need to create AutoCAD annotations in specific layer automatically? FLay add-in from CAD Studio can help you to do this quickly!
One AutoCAD dimension style, different appearances
You can have one AutoCAD dimension style to show different appearances. It can be different in linear and radial dimension, automatically!
AutoCAD tip: remove alternate unit bracket in dimension
Do you ever wish to remove alternate units bracket in AutoCAD dimensions? Or you want to change the bracket to something else?
What’s new in AutoCAD: Annotations
This is AutoCAD new features roundup in annotation features. Read it if you want to implement AutoCAD new features!
AutoCAD dimensions are Missing in Other Viewport: How to Fix It?
Why are some AutoCAD dimensions missing? I can see it in a viewport, but not in the others. This is might be the reason!
More Annotation Tools: Dimension
We have discussed about using text and cell to annotate our drawings. Let us explore further about annotation tools. This time, we are going to discuss how to use MicroStation dimension. Even if we create our drawings in exact sizes, plot it in certain scales, we still need to add dimensions. It doesn’t make sense […]