In this Article...
Many of you are probably taking a long leave, and get back to office after new year. 2012 is just a few days left.
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Before we welcome 2013, let’s spend some time, and see what CAD notes has covered in 2012. These are some articles we would like to highlight as ‘featured articles’. You probably missed them before, and I hope you’ll find them helpful.
1. Automate AutoCAD with command macros
You can use macros in tool palettes or use it in custom AutoCAD command. It’s not a complex programming language, and you can apply it in AutoCAD LT as well. If you want to learn creating simple custom command, this is a good place to start.
See how you can automate AutoCAD with macros here. (Thank you to Paul Munford for the great guest post)
2. Customizing AutoCAD CUI
Now that you now command macros, you can start customizing your interface. Add custom commands, or simply rearrange commands that you frequently use in ribbon, toolbar, context menu or other UI elements!
Read it here if you want to learn about AutoCAD CUI.
3. Autodesk Exchange Apps Store
Since AutoCAD 2012, Autodesk introduced Autodesk Apps Store. It has limited access. You can only explore it within AutoCAD. Since 2013, Autodesk allow you to use internet browser to access (and purchase) custom extensions. Many of these extensions are very useful. You should try to find it first here before trying to create your own, or try to download it from untrusted sources.
See our coverage about Autodesk Exchange Apps Store here. Or directly visit the apps store here:
A nice example of an extension capabilities: there is an extension that allows you to compare between drawing versions. See here how you can compare your AutoCAD drawings.
4. Autodesk PSEB uninstall tool
After you received your AutoCAD 2013, you probably want to immediately use it. Or probably you’ve been waiting until there is a service pack before installing it.
Installing is quite convenient (takes a long time, but convenient). However uninstalling your previous version can be tedious. There is no uninstall all button like when you installed them before. If you have suites that will be worse.
There is a small utility from Autodesk that you can use to uninstall all PSEB products! You have to download it first, but it will surely make your life easier.
5. Save and sync your files with Autodesk 360
AutoCAD and Autodesk 360 integration is a new feature in AutoCAD 2013. All you need is to login to Autodesk 360 in AutoCAD, Autodesk Sync will do the rest.
See how you can save files to Autodesk 360 folder.
If you are wondering how it works, it’s actually works like Dropbox. You save in a local folder, then Autodesk Sync will sync your files in Autodesk 360. So you can use it as Dropbox alternative too. Remember, if you are on subscription, you have 25 GB storage space!
See how Autodesk 360 sync works on your computer here.
6. 5 Alien symbols in AutoCAD
There are many new features in AutoCAD. Some of them will show symbols on your screen or drawings. If you are not familiar with them, they may scare you that there is something went wrong with your drawing. Or it simply annoying.
But fear not my friend, let’s see 5 symbols that might confuse you in AutoCAD.
7. What’s new in AutoCAD: a veteran’s guide
Not everyone upgrade their software every year. Some will skip installing new version and upgrade after several releases. Or you get a new job that use latest version.
Here is a guide for veterans, already familiar with AutoCAD but want to keep up with new version.
See our what’s new in AutoCAD: a veteran’s guide here.
8. 7 websites to download free models
Are you working with 3D models? Creating your own 3D model for every object can take time. It would be better if you can get common objects to use in your design.
Here are 7 recommended websites where you can download free models.
9. Reinstalling AutoCAD isn’t always fix your problem
Not everything that went wrong in AutoCAD can be fix by reinstalling. Sometimes it’s not because AutoCAD is broken. But there’s a system variable has changed. And some system variables are stored in registry! So simple uninstall and reinstall may not fix your problem!
See here why reinstalling AutoCAD may not fix your problem.
10. 5 benefits of using AutoCAD views
Saved views is very useful if you work with large area or complex models. You can quickly switch view to other area or UCS, save layer visibility, batch render in Autodesk 360, and animate with ShowMotion.
If you haven’t utilize saved views, see these 5 reasons why you should.
Happy new year! What’s your wish?
Finally I would like to say happy holidays. Happy new year to you all. Is there anything you wish to see on CAD notes in 2013?