In this Article...
Autodesk released Revit 2021 yesterday. Revit’s got some significant enhancements, and some features have been requested for a long time. I write “what’s new in Revit 2021” in several posts because there is quite a lot.

So what’s new in Revit 2021?
Workspace wizard
Compared to the old version of Revit, Revit now has a lot of tools. Now we have structural, MEP, dan add-ons on the ribbon. It can be too much for users, especially if she only use Revit for a specific industry. In Revit 2021, Revit has a wizard to set up your workspace.
When you run Revit 2021 for the first time, you will see a pop up on your screen. This wizard asks you what your discipline and role is. Based on your input, Revit will only show relevant tools on the ribbon.

What it does is turning off the tabs and panels in Revit options. Revit power user probably has done this already, and novice users can be frustrated when he wants to restore all the tools.

It can be useful, but usually, you will need to fine-tune the configuration later.
Link PDF and Image
In Revit 2021, now you can link a PDF or image instead of importing them. With this feature we can avoid importing too many things and make the file very big.

You also have option to import the link file later.
Changes in BIM 360 Navigation at Home
The BIM 360 Navigation is now consistent with BIM 360 Navigation in the web browser. You can find the project list in the drop-down menu or search for the projects.

Changes in Schedules Stripe Rows
The stripe rows settings is now moved to the schedule properties, appearance tab. You have additional options to show the stripe rows.

New Object Category: Infrastructure
Revit 2021 now has infrastructure category. This category is to support InfraWorks bridge to Revit workflow.

Enable/Disable View Filter
Now you can enable/disable view filter. In the past you need to remove it from the filter list to disable a filter, but now you can simply disable it.

Cuts Geometry Now Can be Associated with Family Parameters
A void behavior in Revit family now can be controlled using family parameter. You can turn on/off the Cuts Geometry properties using Yes/No parameter.

Other General Enhancements
Dynamo has been part of Revit installation since Revit 2020. In Revit 2021, the Dynamo version is 2.5. This version has several out of the box additional nodes.
Autodesk is trying to make Revit installer smaller. Now you don’t get all contents in the installation media. You need to download the additional content by accessing Get Autodesk Content. This button is on Revit Ribbon> Insert tab> Load from Library panel.

There are more to Come!
I will write more new features for Revit 2021 in the next article. Keep checking the website or follow CADnotes social media!