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Command line has some enhancements in AutoCAD 2014. Now it has AutoCorrect, AutoComplete and Synonym suggestions. You can read about this command line enhancements here.
Apparently this cause problem if you primarily use command line, and type too fast. AutoCAD might suggest and change it to other command.
If you have this problem, you can fix it by doing these:
You can customize command line behavior by clicking customize button at the left side of command line. Click input search option.
Change the suggestion list delay time to 1000 or higher. Usually 1000 would work, but if it doesn’t change it to higher value.
You can also change this setting by typing INPUTSEARCHDELAY at command line then press enter.
Disable input search options
This capability might be useful, so you might want to change the delay first. However, after some time you don’t think you want to use it anyway, you can turn it off.
From the same input search options dialog box, you can turn off:
- Enable AutoComplete
- Enable AutoCorrect
- Search content at command line
What would you do?
I suggest you to increase the delay first. I personally like AutoComplete, so I leave it on. It helps me to find variables and command that I don’t know or don’t remember.
Attempting to change AutoCAD back to old version is very popular. However, I suggest you not to disable new features entirely. Try for a couple of days/weeks. You may find it useful.
If you still hate it, then you can turn it off.
I like the feature but frustratingly it insists on replacing ‘Open’ with ‘Opensheetset’!
Open is a legitimate command not a mistake, and one that is used significantly more often!
Even adding open, *_open to the autocorrect or synononym pgp files won’t stop it!
Just a thought, you can UNDEFINE the open sheet sets command.
If you do need open sheet sets, you can create a custom command for it.
That’s a good idea but unfortunately the gremlins where one step ahead of us. now OPEN autocompletes/corrects to OPENDWFMARKUP, with several other incorrect suggestions if you wait for the delay.
I think I would have to undefine a lot of commands before OPEN is OPEN. I guess i’ll just have to get used to using the toolbar button.
Or you can use CTRL + O. You might need to get used to it, but it’s more convenient way than using toolbar. At least for me.
The sorting of command suggestion is based on how often you use the command, based on users behavior. If you still want to use command line, try to use it slowly for a couple of days. And try to use command line faster and see if it’s already adapt to your preference.
I’ve done all this and still find that about 1/3 of the time, I get the wrong command executed. Very frustrating. I hate to disable the entire functionality because I do use it to ‘search’ for commands/sysvars.
It looks like you’re to fast for AutoCAD :)
I like it too. But I turn it off when I don’t need it. Only turn it on when necessary. Is too frustrating.
No, it’s just poor programming in 2014 and later. It worked just fine in 2013 !