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In AutoCAD 2012, now we get Inventor Fusion and AutoCAD WS plugins. If you follow Autodesk technology preview in the labs, you must be already familiar with them. Now that the are included in the box, it means they are already considered as mature products and graduated from the labs.
Autodesk Inventor Fusion
Fusion is an application that allows you to do direct manipulation to a 3D model. The modeling capability basically are used widely in manufacturing industry. Now we have it in AutoCAD box to do direct modeling. It is actually quite simple to use. Not like ‘SketchUp simple’, but this is more ‘engineering modeling simple’.
I take this as an alternative for us to do more complicated modeling. These tools are very common in manufacturing industry. And in many cases, it is easier to use than AutoCAD modeling capability.
Read Deelip’s opinion about Autodesk Fusion here.
Now with Fusion is in the box, you can select some solids and modify them in Fusion. I’m not really sure I like the workflow. Export to Fusion, modify the solids there, import them back.
Having Fusion inside AutoCAD would be lovely. But I guess it won’t be easy to actually integrate the Fusion modeling inside AutoCAD. Many people still love AutoCAD native 3D modeling capability. Probably only they who work in manufacturing industry would love to see it inside AutoCAD.
AutoCAD WS has the same story. We have a plugin to allow us upload, manage online drawings, then share the drawing. It’s pretty cool actually.
AutoCAD WS web version allows us to collaborate with others. And the mobile version is very cool.
But like using Inventor Fusion, it’s not actually built inside AutoCAD. This plugin works nicely to upload many files at once, and some more tools you can use without having to open web version. I tested this plugin before, you can see what you can do with AutoCAD WS plugin here.
But I do expect to be able to collaborate within my AutoCAD. I believe it’s possible. In 90s, Blizzard entertainment already have Warcraft, that allow us to see other players in our screen. We don’t have to open Warcraft on our browser for multiplayer game. Should be possible to do the same with AutoCAD. It will be awesome, isn’t it?
What do you think?
These two applications are great. I would love to see where it goes in the future. Will Autodesk Fusion implemented within AutoCAD? Will we be able to collaborate online within AutoCAD?
And something that really make me curious: will we get project Neon plugin to render our AutoCAD models online? ;) I would love to have that plugin!
Mohon bagaimana mendapatkan tutorial untuk membuat cross section grading, jalan atau saluran/sungai dengan Civil 3D atau Land development.
Atas bantuannya kami ucapkan terima kasih.
Silahkan coba yang ini: Mastering AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012