In this Article...
Back in 2011, CADnotes hosts discussions on how to work better with AutoCAD. It was an ambitious project. The goal was to discuss how we can work better with AutoCAD in 10 days.
It has decent response. But I feel that it should be more people involved. I think the reason why not so many people involved was because it has daily challenges. The schedule was too tight. If you have daily job, then it would be very hard to catch up. Another possibility is there are not many people read CADnotes at that time. The email newsletter probably only read by few hundreds subscribers. But now we have more than 8000 readers!
I also think if we have weekly challenge instead of daily, it will give you enough time to participate.
I have plan to do the “Work Better with AutoCAD” program again. Before I actually relaunch it, I want to know how many people are interested.
What is Work Better with AutoCAD?
The main purpose of Work Better with AutoCAD is to discuss a topic that can help you to be more productive. I will post a topic to guide you what to discuss. There may be a challenge. After you read the topic, you can go to the discussion page and leave your questions, suggestions or comments there.
To keep all discussion in one place, we are going to do that in CADnotes website. If you are following CADnotes using email newsletter, you need to click “read this article in browser” and leave your comment there. If you are following CADnotes from Facebook, twitter or other social media follow the link and leave comment there. Do not reply the tweet or leave comment in Facebook page.
It’s all about discussions
This program will not work well without your active participation. So please leave your comment after you read it. Share the experience you have when completing the challenge. Or share your tips to other readers. You can also ask if you have problem.
The more response we get, it will give us more idea for the next topic. It means we can learn more. I wish we can cover more than the original program, because we are now a larger community!
Yes I’m interested!
If you are interested, please leave a comment here. Or mention @CADnotes in your tweet, leave comment in CADnotes Facebook page or Google+ page. If I see many people are interested then we can start the program!
yes, I am interested!
Weekly challenge would be just fine.
sign me up too! Thanks!
I`m in
on board for weekly… thanks Edwin.
Sign me up …
Thanks …
I am interested
I am always looking for more productive ways to use AutoCAD so I would be very interested to see what your program is like. Count me in.
i am interested
Yes, I’m very interested
I’m interested!
I’m in… sign me up!